When: May 18th
Name of Event: Kids Martial Arts Seminar
Type of Event: Seminar
Where:  2000 Homestead Road, Ste. 2 Santa Clara, CA 95050
Contact: For information contact Sandra Dee or Glenn Haley
E-mail: [email protected]

1st to 4th graders: 1-3pm
The class will be structured to provide some anti-bullying guidance, teach the meaning of self-defense, exercise through punching and kicking shield drills, with lots of fun using a game-based learning format.

5th to 8th graders: 3-5pm
The class will incorporate environmental awareness training, self-defense techniques, and pad work in various martial arts ranging from American Kenpo Karate, Kickboxing, BJJ, Judo, Shoot Wrestling, etc.

Non-School Attendees: $30
SCKA School Members: $20
1/2 price for both children if member brings a friend

Download seminar flyer (PDF)